The study of Sarah Hopkins' music and her Harmonic Whirlies fulfills several areas of the Secondary Schools Music Curriculum (Qld), namely:-
"Harmonic whirlies are extremely easy and enjoyable instruments to play. They can be very easily incorporated into a wide range of composing and performing activities within the curriculum to enable a high level of performance success from the most beginner to the most senior student."
Leanne Mundt, Education Officer Queensland Symphony Orchestra
"I have used the whirlies with my Year 8 class...The students were totally captivated and couldn't keep away from the whirlies. We used the sounds as part of the Drama Program as stimulus for plot and action. We had stories about ambulances, the afterlife, police, flying and birds. It was a totally successful drama experience and added much to the Drama Program in our lower school."
Jeannette Lind, Head of Performing Arts Department Shailer Park High School, Queensland
Click here to be inspired as Sarah plays her Harmonic Whirlies on Youtube.